Smart Sockets
Control From Anywhere
Easy Install
Energy Insights
Intuitive Automations
Part of the Ecosystem
Pro-Active Notifications
Whether you're at home or on the go, the Lightwave app gives you the power to control and oversee your sockets from anywhere. Illuminate your space before you even step in or create the illusion of occupancy. With Lightwave, you're always in control.
Swap your existing sockets for Lightwave Smart Sockets, no extra wiring required. Simply pair the smart socket to the Link Plus Hub using the Lightwave app (iOS and Android) to unlock advanced smart home control at your fingertips.
Gain valuable insights into your energy usage patterns. Keep a watchful eye on power usage and monitor trends over time using the Lightwave app. Make well-informed choices and build clever automations to optimise energy consumption and reduce those utility bills.
Craft custom 'Automations' to suit your lifestyle. Set your floor lamps to mimic your presence, creating a lived-in look even when you're away. Explore timers, scenes, and the power to create a master switch for your entire home.
Combined with the Smart Motion Sensor, your lighting can perform based on whether a room is occupied or not - this is a truly intelligent way to save energy while adding convenience. The Wire-Free Smart Switch allows you to have a switch anywhere you want, no channelling out for wires or backboxes.
Receive instant alerts on your mobile device if appliances like fridge freezers, games consoles, or hair straighteners are switched on/off, unplugged, or start drawing excessive power, ensuring you're always aware of their status and maintaining peace of mind.

Works with

Amazon Alexa
Apple Homekit
Google Home
Home Assistant
Samsung SmartThings

Outdoor Smart Socket
Empower your outdoor spaces with our Smart Outdoor Socket, designed to withstand any weather. Effortlessly control and monitor the energy usage of patio heaters, Christmas lights, or outdoor music systems. This versatile smart device makes managing power in your garden or patio as convenient and efficient as it is indoors.