Smart Heating
Control From Anywhere
Energy Insights
Intuitive Automations
Part of the Ecosystem
Whether you're at home or on the go, the Lightwave app empowers you to control and monitor your heating from anywhere. Warm up your home before you even step in or turn off the heating if you've accidentally left it on. With Lightwave, you're always in control.
Gain insight into your energy consumption patterns. Keep tabs on your heating usage and track it over time using the Lightwave app. Make informed decisions to enhance energy efficiency and cut down on your energy bills.
Craft custom 'Automations' to suit your lifestyle. Set your heating to come on when you wake up and turn off when you're at work, customising it by room so you're not wasting energy in unused spaces. Explore timers, schedules, and the power to create a master switch for your entire home's comfort.
Combine with the Smart Motion Sensor for intelligent occupancy-based heating control. No more wasting energy in empty rooms. Additionally, the Wire-Free Smart Switch or Smart Dimmer can trigger your heating at the touch of a button.

Smart Heating Switch
The Smart Heating Switch allows universal switching of any load up to a 3680W (16A) rating. It is most commonly applied to gain smart control of boilers, panel heaters, hot water cylinders, towel rails, or electric radiators. This device has output terminals for Normally Open, Normally Closed, and Common, which allows it to switch most types of boilers.

Honeywell Home
Enjoy the enhanced functionality of Honeywell Home thermostats and radiator valves integrated within the Lightwave ecosystem, providing a unified, user-friendly heating control experience.
Works with

Amazon Alexa
Google Home
Home Assistant
Samsung SmartThings